
Daily Hadith

After every Isha Salah, our Imam recites a hadith followed by an explanation and a Q&A by the community in attendance. The Hadiths are the sayings, deeds, and actions of Rasulullah (SAW). They are distinct from the Quran but they provide blueprints for ways to live a holy life based on the life and actions of the Prophet himself.

Sisters Halaqa

Halaqa is a forum for sisters and girls to enrich their understanding of Islam, Quran and Sunnah on a particular topic and bond in the sisterhood of Islam. All are welcome to attend. Please contact one of our volunteers to get more details on time and topics discussed.

Family Night

ICCM has been organizing monthly family nights where all community members are invited to come and listen to a topic delivered by our Imam or a guest speaker. The children learn about Rasulullah (SAW), the Hadith and Sunnah along with the khalifas, the history of prophets throughout time, the early life of Rasūlullāh (SAW), receipt of prophethood, Islamic values and morals. This is an opportunity for Muslim families to meet each other. The program starts at Magrin and ends with Isha Salah.

“Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve”