
Entities related to the Islamic Center

Ghazali School (Weekend School)

Buds of Peace

Buds of Peace is an independent singing international group. The group usually practices on Fridays. They represent many countries and sing for world peace.

Silat Martial Arts Class at ICCM!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-defense, discipline, and cultural enrichment? The Seni Gayong International Federation, Columbia, Missouri (SGIF-CoMo) invites you to join our Silat class, now open for new intake at ICCM!

🗓 When : Sundays, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
📍 Where : ICCM activity room
💲 Fees : $50/month (all proceeds go to the ICCM building fund)
👥 Ages : 10 and up

Silat is a traditional warrior art that combines physical training with mental and spiritual growth. Whether you’re a beginner or have previous martial arts experience, our classes are designed to help you develop your skills in a supportive and engaging environment.

⦁  Learn from experienced instructors
⦁  Improve your physical fitness and coordination
⦁  Gain confidence and self-discipline
⦁  Be part of a vibrant international community of Silat practitioners

To register, simply stop by the class or contact Br. Steven at 573-303-7145. For more information, find us on Facebook at SGIF-CoMo or scan the QR codes on the flyer below.

Al Madina Program

Al Madina classes are after-school classes for Quran.
Student ages: from 5 years old until high school boys and girls.

Classes are conducted on: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 5:45 pm to 7:45 pm; and on Friday 6:30 until Isha prayer.

Islamic studies and dual learning: Students are first taught the Noorani book. Then, they start reading the Quran from the beginning till the end, or from the last Surah until Al- Baqarah.

“Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve”